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AAA Editor Notes
Art Gallery of Ontario is at 317 Dundas St. W. in Grange Park, 3 blks. w. of St. Patrick subway station. One of North America's largest art museums holds a permanent collection of some more than 90,000 works spanning A.D. 100 to the present. Featured are works by Canadian artists, the Group of Seven, as well as the art of world cultures. A highlight of the gallery's Thomson Collection of European art includes “The Massacre of the Innocents” by Peter Paul Rubens.

The Henry Moore Sculpture Centre houses the largest public collection of works by that British sculptor. The Grange is one of the oldest brick houses in Toronto; it is a living museum of life in Upper Canada in the 1830s. Films, lectures and performances are offered at the gallery. A research library and archives are on the premises.

Guided tours are available. Food is available. Time: Allow 4 hours minimum.

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