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AAA Editor Notes
Chinatown, near Chatham Sq., w. of the Bowery, includes Mott, Pell and Doyers streets. Chinese restaurants and shops line these streets, and vendors crowd the busy sidewalks. Mott Street is home to Church of the Transfiguration, one of the oldest churches in Lower Manhattan. Fish and vegetable markets near Mott and Grand streets sell the freshest ingredients available, while Asian grocery stores stock imported cooking condiments. Chinese tea houses and the area's first dim sum restaurant can be found along Doyers Street.

Locals congregate daily for conversation, relaxation and recreational activities in Columbus Park, which borders legendary Five Points. Memorials in Chatham Square honor Chinese-Americans who participated in World War II as well as Chinese notable Lin Ze Xu. New York's Chinatown is one of the largest Chinese-American communities in the United States.

Food is available.

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