AAA Editor Notes
Secretariat of Public Education (Secretaría de Educación Pública) is n. of the Great Temple at República de Argentina #28 (M: Zócalo, line 2). The interior walls of this building provided Diego Rivera with a monumental canvas; practically every space throughout the three floors is covered with murals symbolizing Mexican life, history and culture.

The first-floor murals depict rural and industrial life and the celebration of iconic festivities like the Day of the Dead. Notably missing from these scenes is the artist's customary political satire; instead, he emphasized national pride. Those on the second and third floors focus on Mexican workers, the nation's heroic leaders, the 1910 Revolution and such familiar Rivera targets as capitalist greed.

Note: Visits are by appointment only; a photo ID is required to enter the building. Either phone ahead or arrange a visit at the front security desk. This is not a guided tour; once the appointment formality is taken care of you can view the murals at your own pace.

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