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Niagara Falls Lake Ontario

Road Trip

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244.9 miles: 6 hours, 7 minutes
The Buffalo-Niagara area is shaped by one of nature’s most powerful forces—water. You’ll be inspired by the beauty of the falls themselves, the enormity of Lake Ontario to the northeast or Lake Erie to the southwest. The experience will depend on the time of year, as weather impacts the view and driving conditions.
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flickr/Kimon Berlin
Buffalo to Niagara Falls
35.1 miles: 1 hours, 39 minutes
It’s a scenic ride on the Robert Moses Parkway from New York’s second most populous city to a Canadian border town powered by famous waterfalls. And there are several ways to explore the majesty of the natural wonder that moves 700,000 gallons of water per second.
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Niagara Falls to Rochester
109.3 miles: 2 hours, 26 minutes
Rochester is due east of Niagara, and you could get there faster on a main thoroughfare, but then you’d miss some amazing views on SR 18. You won’t find many rest stops along the two-lane, fruit tree-lined byway, but on this journey, you’ll gaze at the shining waters of Lake Ontario before you arrive.
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flickr/Chris Tank
Rochester to Buffalo
100.5 miles: 2 hours, 1 minutes
You may dream about chicken on your way to Buffalo, but there is much more there to savor. Architects Frank Lloyd Wright, Frederick Law Olmsted and Henry Hobson Richardson left their mark with their buildings, parks, parkways and office buildings. The fresh air, beautiful foliage, and water views of Lake Erie will offer inspiration for your own adventures.