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Northern Ohio

Road Trip

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106.3 miles: 3 hours, 27 minutes
The scenic highlights of this trip are the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Lake Erie—two of northern Ohio’s best features. To get the most scenic bang for your buck, visit this area in autumn, when the trees display their finest colors.
Drive trips stop
flickr/Raymond Wambsgans
Akron to Cleveland
40.1 miles: 1 hours, 25 minutes
Much of this leg is in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The tree-lined roads run along the Cuyahoga River, Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail and Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. Pull off Riverview Road to watch wildlife from the boardwalk at Beaver Marsh. The outdoors scene changes to a lively urban one in downtown Cleveland: city buildings and sports arenas.
Drive trips stop
Greater Cleveland Aquarium/Dale McDonald
Cleveland to Sandusky
66.2 miles: 2 hours, 2 minutes
Once the city is in your rearview mirror, you’ll start seeing beautiful homes and neighborhoods along much of SR 2/US 6. Picture small-town America. At points along the route, Lake Erie will pop in and out of view between the houses and trees.