AAA offers three ways to solve your battery problem

Find options for savings with every solution!

AAA mobile car battery service power you can trust and replace anytime anywhere

AAA Mobile Car Battery Service

Mobile car battery replacement is a convenient solution. We will come to you and replace it.
Expected battery lifespan by geographyic location

AAA Approved Auto Repair Facilities

Never feel stressed about car repair again. AAA Approved Auto Repair shops offer a one-of-a-kind, unrivaled experience provided by our friendly, approachable and highly-trained service staff.
Members SAVE 10% on labor*

*Members save a minimum of 10% ($50 limit in some areas) on repair service labor at AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities. Cannot be combined with any other discount or coupon. Valid AAA membership card must be presented at a AAA Approved Auto Repair facility at time of service.

 AAA car battery replacement service. Power you can trust

NAPA Auto Parts

NAPA is your trusted source for automotive parts, accessories for your car, truck or SUV. Shop online for original OEM and replacement parts.
Members get $22 off the AAA Branded Battery at every NAPA Parts Store location and online.

Approved Auto Repair

The Approved Auto Repair Facility Locator is a powerful search tool that gives you easy access to information on over 7,000 Approved Auto Repair Facilities across North America.
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AAA is celbrating Earth Day

Recycling Matters! Especially When It Comes to Your Car's Battery!

The AAA battery program is a year-round effort that collects and recycles as many old batteries as are installed annually. Last year alone, AAA recycled over 2.5 million batteries with the lifetime total of the program topping 30 million.

AAA is celbrating Earth Day

Together, we can make a difference!

Gain insights into the environmental impact and discover how small actions, like proper battery disposal and car battery maintenance contribute to DRIVING CHANGE!

Learn more about the value of car battery recycling and how you can contribute to "Driving Change"!

Car Battery Recycling

AAA is DRIVING CHANGE towards a greener future, one battery at a time. As a major contributor to car battery recycling, we're not just in the business of battery replacement; we're in the business of making a difference.

Why Recycle Car Batteries?

Car batteries are powerhouse of potential - not just for your vehicle, but for our planet too. When recycled properly, these batteries can give life to new products, reducing waste and conserving natural resources. It's not just an environmental imperative, it's a step towards sustainable living.
Learn more about 'Car Battery Recycling'

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Car Battery Maintenance

With the arrival of Earth Day,there's no better time to focus on one of the most critical components of your vehicle: the battery.

A well-maintained battery is essential for the smooth functioning of your car, ensuring that you're never left stranded at an inconvenient time.

Regular inspections, voltage checks, age of battery, driving habits, and environmental factors all play a part in the health of your car battery.

Proper car battery maintenance will ensure a longer car battery life!

Learn more about 'Car Battery Maintenance'